- RoBang! Roberto Angeletti
opened the door of the Bar.
The sign outside read "BarthTheBar", with a nice neon logo that turned on and off, showing alternately, and with changing colors, first "Bar", then "Barth", then "The" and finally "Bar".
In short, it was the bar of a guy called Barth.
This Mr. Barth, a gentleman who was behind the counter, was actually called Ben.
GeoRge Green immediately discovered this strange fact, or the name of the owner of the Bar, because his wife, that is Barth's wife, had called him with a scream from the kitchen:
"Ben, do you want to bring me this Ben and Detta water bottle? Should I come and get it myself? "
The gracious owner of the voice from the kitchen was Mrs. Cion-on-Screen, also called Tani-Na-UD, and had a strange oriental accent.
As soon as she came out of the kitchen door, with a rolling pin in her hand and a small knife in her other hand, GeoRge Green understood why the woman had that "strange oriental accent". The woman was truly an oriental, even though it was difficult to understand which place exactly.
The hen she was pursuing probably knew where the lady came from, but unfortunately she could not answer GeoRge's question, given the number of bludgeons that the poor tap took on the head.
GeoRge only had the strength to whisper a:
"Do you always welcome guests this way?"
And while the lady was collecting the remains of the hen from the ground, and trying to clean tables and chairs with the splashes of blood and other various liquids, hopefully not human, Mr. Ben-BarTh-Blue-Screen (the latter was the surname of , say so, "lady") he came out with a:
"Welcome to the BarthTheBar! You will find here everything you want and want, and also what you only imagine, but who does not have the courage to ask. "
Approaching the counter, GeoRge saw with relief that the hen was in excellent health. In fact, fortunately, the hen had not been hit by the bludgeons and what GeoRge believed was blood, it was only the wine spilled from a barrel, split by one of the rolling pin shots that Tani-on-UD had given from all sides.
But was it a prefabricated scene, that is a scene, that the two played every time a new customer entered?
This doubt came to GeoRge. And the doubt was immediately dispelled.
An electric van had stopped in front of the bar and a guy had come out, dressed as a plumber.
The plumber had entered the Bar, from the back, with a case in hand towards the outside.
Mrs. Tani-on-UD repeated the sentence of the water, after having taken refuge in the kitchen, and after a while she came out chasing the hen again, and was about to haul the clubs haphazardly, when, looking at the plumber, he said :
"But are you Andrew?!? What kind of clothing did you wear? You look like a plumber to me! "
"There is no need for the welcome representation for me, ma'am," said the plumber, smiling.
What looked like a plumber was Andrew John Smithson, the local Red Stripe beer supplier, and he began transporting dozens of boxes of bottles of the precious and excellent Jamaican beer.
When Andrew had finished transporting boxes, he opened one and took out a couple of bottles, placing them on the counter.
Red Stripe. Funny, GeoRge Green thought. He himself, who had escaped from San Francisco for a Red (Robert) was joined by another Red (Stripe) that is a beer, or another element linked to a liquid.
But this time, the liquid didn't change the color, but it did change the color of the face of those who drank it.
And how many they drank!
The bottles were opened as often as every seven minutes.
They began to tell their lives in turn. When it came to GeoRge's turn, he began with his childhood.
An invention. GeoRge had invented a way to survey all the objects on Earth. He started with the idea of creating a new method of geographical representation. He was inspired when, many years ago, they took him as a boy to visit an amusement park in Ohaio. At the center of the park, a geodesic dome, created by Buckminster Fuller, a brilliant visionary architect, who wanted to cover entire cities with transparent shells, made from millions of small triangles.
Fuller had founded a construction company, called Dymaxion, which was supposed to renew the world with the genius of innovative objects, based on the number three, perfect number, and the triangular shape.
Unfortunately, however, some of these technological objects had problems: the three-wheeled car could not be said to be very stable, and it toppled over; a covering shell, at the first rain, came down like a broken umbrella. In short, between saying and doing ... there is a sea to dry.
And Fuller was forced to flex in the construction of smaller objects, such as garden bungalows and domes for amusement parks.
The sign outside read "BarthTheBar", with a nice neon logo that turned on and off, showing alternately, and with changing colors, first "Bar", then "Barth", then "The" and finally "Bar".
In short, it was the bar of a guy called Barth.
This Mr. Barth, a gentleman who was behind the counter, was actually called Ben.
GeoRge Green immediately discovered this strange fact, or the name of the owner of the Bar, because his wife, that is Barth's wife, had called him with a scream from the kitchen:
"Ben, do you want to bring me this Ben and Detta water bottle? Should I come and get it myself? "
The gracious owner of the voice from the kitchen was Mrs. Cion-on-Screen, also called Tani-Na-UD, and had a strange oriental accent.
As soon as she came out of the kitchen door, with a rolling pin in her hand and a small knife in her other hand, GeoRge Green understood why the woman had that "strange oriental accent". The woman was truly an oriental, even though it was difficult to understand which place exactly.
The hen she was pursuing probably knew where the lady came from, but unfortunately she could not answer GeoRge's question, given the number of bludgeons that the poor tap took on the head.
GeoRge only had the strength to whisper a:
"Do you always welcome guests this way?"
And while the lady was collecting the remains of the hen from the ground, and trying to clean tables and chairs with the splashes of blood and other various liquids, hopefully not human, Mr. Ben-BarTh-Blue-Screen (the latter was the surname of , say so, "lady") he came out with a:
"Welcome to the BarthTheBar! You will find here everything you want and want, and also what you only imagine, but who does not have the courage to ask. "
Approaching the counter, GeoRge saw with relief that the hen was in excellent health. In fact, fortunately, the hen had not been hit by the bludgeons and what GeoRge believed was blood, it was only the wine spilled from a barrel, split by one of the rolling pin shots that Tani-on-UD had given from all sides.
But was it a prefabricated scene, that is a scene, that the two played every time a new customer entered?
This doubt came to GeoRge. And the doubt was immediately dispelled.
An electric van had stopped in front of the bar and a guy had come out, dressed as a plumber.
The plumber had entered the Bar, from the back, with a case in hand towards the outside.
Mrs. Tani-on-UD repeated the sentence of the water, after having taken refuge in the kitchen, and after a while she came out chasing the hen again, and was about to haul the clubs haphazardly, when, looking at the plumber, he said :
"But are you Andrew?!? What kind of clothing did you wear? You look like a plumber to me! "
"There is no need for the welcome representation for me, ma'am," said the plumber, smiling.
What looked like a plumber was Andrew John Smithson, the local Red Stripe beer supplier, and he began transporting dozens of boxes of bottles of the precious and excellent Jamaican beer.
When Andrew had finished transporting boxes, he opened one and took out a couple of bottles, placing them on the counter.
Red Stripe. Funny, GeoRge Green thought. He himself, who had escaped from San Francisco for a Red (Robert) was joined by another Red (Stripe) that is a beer, or another element linked to a liquid.
But this time, the liquid didn't change the color, but it did change the color of the face of those who drank it.
And how many they drank!
The bottles were opened as often as every seven minutes.
They began to tell their lives in turn. When it came to GeoRge's turn, he began with his childhood.
An invention. GeoRge had invented a way to survey all the objects on Earth. He started with the idea of creating a new method of geographical representation. He was inspired when, many years ago, they took him as a boy to visit an amusement park in Ohaio. At the center of the park, a geodesic dome, created by Buckminster Fuller, a brilliant visionary architect, who wanted to cover entire cities with transparent shells, made from millions of small triangles.
Fuller had founded a construction company, called Dymaxion, which was supposed to renew the world with the genius of innovative objects, based on the number three, perfect number, and the triangular shape.
Unfortunately, however, some of these technological objects had problems: the three-wheeled car could not be said to be very stable, and it toppled over; a covering shell, at the first rain, came down like a broken umbrella. In short, between saying and doing ... there is a sea to dry.
And Fuller was forced to flex in the construction of smaller objects, such as garden bungalows and domes for amusement parks.
that dome appeared to GeoRge as something amazing. It wasn't just
beautiful to look at. It was "human"; it was something in
which one could enter quietly, without having a feeling of fear,
respect and something else negative. It was not an asymmetrical
object, as the "invariant sects of modern architecture"
dictated. It was the exception that confirms the rule. Although
symmetrical, the dome did not call to mind totalitarian regimes.
Perhaps because it was not a symmetry, but a surface of rotation, and
therefore, the mental scheme is stored next to another sensation. And
the sensation of GeoRge was that of wonder, of beauty, of
Then, GeoRge began to approach that dome. Within. He walked around it. He took from his pocket a tiny sheet of the San Francisco rack tram, and with an equally small pencil, taken from a shopping center, in the furniture department to be built, he began to make drawings of how Fuller's dome was made.
The construction method reminded him of the glasses. GeoRge had built a similar dome, at school, with his companions and teacher. They had glued together a myriad of plastic cups, fixing them by the edge with a stapler.
Some had opted for glue, although this tended to melt the plastic and break it. It was a question of quantity: we needed a precise quantity, not too much, not a little, to glue and not to break the glass.
And so a ball came at the end. A huge ball with which you could do many things: Enter it, roll it, light it, color it, combine it with other balls. And those were, in their way, geodesic domes.
GeoRge had called them "GeoDrinX", because you could have a drink around the world, along with all the peoples of the Earth, without anyone quarreling. And above all, without the drink falling underneath, because the force of gravity would have kept it at the bottom of your glass, without going to rummage that of your neighbor.
Someone would have had something to learn, to talk to the young GeoRge, still a boy.
When GeoRge finished his story, everyone had been snoring for a while.
@soon... RoBang!
Italian Translation: link
Then, GeoRge began to approach that dome. Within. He walked around it. He took from his pocket a tiny sheet of the San Francisco rack tram, and with an equally small pencil, taken from a shopping center, in the furniture department to be built, he began to make drawings of how Fuller's dome was made.
The construction method reminded him of the glasses. GeoRge had built a similar dome, at school, with his companions and teacher. They had glued together a myriad of plastic cups, fixing them by the edge with a stapler.
Some had opted for glue, although this tended to melt the plastic and break it. It was a question of quantity: we needed a precise quantity, not too much, not a little, to glue and not to break the glass.
And so a ball came at the end. A huge ball with which you could do many things: Enter it, roll it, light it, color it, combine it with other balls. And those were, in their way, geodesic domes.
GeoRge had called them "GeoDrinX", because you could have a drink around the world, along with all the peoples of the Earth, without anyone quarreling. And above all, without the drink falling underneath, because the force of gravity would have kept it at the bottom of your glass, without going to rummage that of your neighbor.
Someone would have had something to learn, to talk to the young GeoRge, still a boy.
When GeoRge finished his story, everyone had been snoring for a while.
@soon... RoBang!
Italian Translation: link
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